A Rare Disease Awareness Campaign, Featuring ChappyWrap

We have been so fortunate to have incredibly generous support from lifestyle brands Jennifer works with and their amazing founders, including Dudley Stephens and now, ChappyWrap. Jennifer recently collaborated with ChappyWrap to create a children’s size blanket featuring zebras, a kind of unofficial mascot of Rare Disease Day (February 29).

This special edition blanket celebrates those “zebras”—the 20 million American children living with a rare disease—with awareness of the differences that make us each one-of-a-kind. From February 19-29, 2024, 30% of the sales of the Zebra Zeal blanket will support Charlie’s Cure, honoring Charlie and all the young zebras among us.

Shop the blanket here. >


Bad Behavior


Testimony to the Federal Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children